Norwalk Theft Crime Lawyer

Norwalk Theft Crime Lawyer

Norwalk Theft Crime Attorney

If you’ve been accused or arrested for theft, burglary, or robbery, be sure to contact an experienced Norwalk theft crime lawyer about your case. Criminal convictions can carry significant penalties that could impact you for years to come. Beyond a criminal record, it could impact your ability to secure housing, employment, or future educational opportunities. You deserve a defense team that puts your interests first.

At Gibbons & Gibbons, we focus on criminal defense. Our legal team of dedicated attorneys is educated, qualified, and has extensive years of effectively representing our clients. We handle a variety of different criminal offenses. This allows us to use our knowledge and experience to build a defense that works for you. If you have been accused of theft, you deserve an attorney that puts you first.

norwalk theft crime lawyer

Types of Theft Charges

Theft is the legally prohibited act of seizing property through unlawful means. This includes taking property without proper authorization or purchase from public establishments, residences, businesses, or motor vehicles. Being an accomplice to theft and the acquiring, receiving, or hiding of stolen goods or funds is also considered a form of theft. Common types of theft charges include:

  • Petty theft. This refers to instances of shoplifting or retail theft. A theft crime is considered petty or minor when the value of the stolen property or seized goods does not exceed $950.
  • Grand theft. For instances where the stolen items are valued at more than $950, the charges could result in grand theft. These charges may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the severity of the crime, the evidence available, and the defendant’s criminal history.
  • Grand theft auto. This unlawful act involves the theft of any motor vehicle and may be tried as a misdemeanor or a felony.
  • Robbery. Theft through utilizing violent force, threats, or coercion in order to take another person’s property is considered robbery. This is considered a felony offense due to the intentional and deliberate use of violence.
  • Burglary. Also called breaking and entering, this form of theft involves the willful entry into a person’s private homestead, place of business, or motor vehicle with the intent to steal property. Burglary charges can range in severity, which could impact how you are prosecuted.

These types of thefts could also be accompanied by other charges depending on the circumstances of the crime. To understand the full extent of the charges against you, be sure to speak with your attorney about the details in order to better prepare for the charges against you.

Potential Penalties for a Theft Conviction

Depending on the specifics of a theft offense, the penalties upon conviction can vary. Certain factors can elevate what may otherwise be a misdemeanor offense to a felony. These factors include the defendant’s intentions, their history of similar crimes, whether violent force or threat of harm was used in seizing the stolen goods, and the exact value of the unlawfully obtained property.

A theft conviction is punishable by a jail or prison sentence and an additional fine. The length of incarceration and fine amount are generally dependent on whether the theft was at the misdemeanor or felony level. If the theft is considered a wobbler offense, it can qualify as a misdemeanor or a felony. The penalties can depend on whether the offender has prior felony convictions, a history of committing violent or sex crimes, or other details of the case.


What Constitutes a Theft Crime in California?

The state of California defines theft as the unlawful seizure, obtaining, or hiding of property acquired through unauthorized means. Theft may be against a business establishment or an individual, and stolen goods may be from a residence, motor vehicle, public place, or an individual’s physical person.

When Is a Theft Offense Considered a Felony in CA?

Theft is a felony when the stolen items are valued at more than $950, commonly charged as grand theft as opposed to petty theft, which is considered a misdemeanor. If the defendant has prior theft or felony convictions, the charges may be elevated to a felony. Additionally, aggravating factors such as breaking into an occupied residence or using a weapon during the theft will warrant a felony charge.

What Are the Penalties for Theft Crimes in California?

In Norwalk, CA, the potential penalties for a defendant convicted of a misdemeanor or felony theft crime generally include a jail or prison sentence, large fines, or both. The length of incarceration sentenced to the offender can vary depending on how much the stolen items are valued, whether the defendant has a history of prior theft or felony convictions, and the manner of the theft itself.

What Is the Statute of Limitations on Theft in CA?

Under California law, the statute of limitations for misdemeanor theft crimes is one year, and felony theft has a statute of limitation of three years. Examples of misdemeanor offenses include petty theft and shoplifting, as well as receiving stolen goods. Felony theft crimes include robbery, first-degree burglary, and grand theft of a firearm. This means that the defendant must be charged by the prosecution within the statute of limitations.

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Petty Theft Charge in CA?

While you do not need a lawyer for petty theft charges in California, you can greatly benefit from hiring a qualified defense attorney. Although a misdemeanor and seemingly easy to navigate, there are still complications in the legal system that could benefit from a lawyer’s services. You may be tempted to avoid legal counsel because of the potential fees. However, a lawyer could not only protect your criminal record but save you time and money in additional litigation.

Norwalk Theft Crime Lawyer

The trusted criminal defense attorneys at Gibbons & Gibbons are prepared to diligently represent you in all legal proceedings throughout the criminal court process. We have acquired favorable outcomes for first-time and repeat offenders alike facing various theft charges. Contact our office today to schedule an initial meeting with an experienced and knowledgeable defense attorney who understands the theft charges against you.
