Having to deal with criminal charges on your own can be incredibly difficult, especially if you have not yet secured experienced legal representation to help you with your case. If you’re not careful, you could end up dealing with severe legal repercussions and a criminal record. Depending on the severity of the charges, your penalties could be life-altering. A Buena Park criminal defense lawyer can help you determine your next steps.
If you find yourself handling criminal charges, you should consider reaching out to Gibbons & Gibbons for legal support. As you continue forward with your case, you will need experienced legal representation who can determine exactly what’s at stake. We can help you develop a strong defense strategy and offer you unwavering support throughout this trying time.
If you find yourself in need of a criminal defense lawyer, you may be scared for the future and unsure of your next steps. If you don’t take the charges seriously, they can lead to a conviction and a criminal record, which can have many negative consequences.
The legal penalties you could face if you don’t take the right steps to protect yourself could be severe. They could range anywhere from jail time and hefty fines to probation or community service. It depends entirely on the circumstances of your case. The last thing you want when facing criminal charges is to be unprepared when the time comes to defend yourself.
Throughout your case, you will need an experienced lawyer by your side, providing you with consistently strong advice, legal strategies, and unwavering support. A good lawyer will understand how high the stakes are and design a defense strategy that works effectively. Here are some important ways that a defense lawyer can help you:
It’s no secret that getting arrested can be overwhelming, especially if it happens in front of friends or family. You may feel defeated, but you shouldn’t let an arrest make you lose hope. Never forget that you are always innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, no matter what crime you are being charged with. You still have your constitutional rights.
Every American has the right to retain legal counsel and the right to remain silent. For the sake of your case, it is vital that you exercise both of these rights when you are picked up by the police. Remember that you don’t have to answer their questions if you don’t want to. Simply request your lawyer, and once they arrive, let them do the talking for you. Regardless of the charge, whether it’s a DUI or petty theft, you still have rights, and you should use them.
Choosing the right defense lawyer to represent you may be the most important decision you make for your entire case. You will want someone you can trust, believe in, and talk to. Depending on the nature of the charges against you, some qualities may be more important to prioritize than others. Here are some of the more important qualities you should consider looking for in a criminal defense lawyer:
A weak defense is largely relative to the criminal case at hand. However, the weakest defense will likely be one that has a total lack of credible evidence, zero witnesses to support it, and no consistently strong argument. The last thing you’ll want when facing criminal charges is a weak defense, which could destroy your case. This is why it’s so important to retain a lawyer who knows how to craft a strong case.
Generally, the criminal charges that are the hardest to prove include certain white-collar crimes, as well as crimes that involve proving intent, such as murder. The prosecution has to be able to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, which can be very difficult if there appears to be a lack of intent. Any crime that’s complex and multi-faceted can be very hard to prove in a court of law, which is why you need to have a good defense lawyer by your side.
Every criminal case is different, so every defense will need to be relatively strong. However, the strongest type of defense may simply be the existence of reasonable doubt. To prove the defendant’s guilt, the prosecution has to convince a jury of that guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. If your lawyer can introduce reasonable doubt into the case, that may be enough to secure a win. Presenting an alibi is also a useful defense. An alibi proves you were not at the scene of the crime when it occurred.
In Buena Park, there are many things you should never say to a prosecutor. You should never speak to them at all without your lawyer present. When speaking to a prosecutor, you should never provide them with any information beyond what they originally asked you. You should also never admit guilt in any way. The prosecutor is not your ally. They are trying to prove your guilt.
Dealing with criminal charges can be an infuriating issue to deal with on your own. That’s why you should consider hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer to represent your interests and ensure you have a strong defense.
At Gibbons & Gibbons, we can help build your case, gather evidence, and make sure your interests are protected. Contact us to speak to a valued team member about how we can help you with your case.