Hawaiian Gardens Criminal Defense Lawyer

Hawaiian Gardens Criminal Defense Lawyer

Hawaiian Gardens Criminal Defense Attorney

It can be terrifying to face criminal charges, especially if you are without experienced legal counsel. Attempting to defend yourself is likely to result in a negative outcome, and you could be sentenced to severe legal penalties. If you need help dealing with criminal charges, you should speak to a Hawaiian Gardens criminal defense lawyer.

Consider reaching out to the accomplished legal team at Gibbons & Gibbons. We can help you come to terms with what’s happening and assist you in developing a strong defense that supports your side of the story. You will need an effective case to avoid a conviction and harsh penalties, and the experienced defense attorneys at Gibbons & Gibbons are ready to help.

Hawaiian Gardens Criminal Defense Lawyer

Why Hire a Hawaiian Gardens Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Choosing to forgo a defense attorney could have extremely negative consequences. Criminal charges have the power to cause untold devastation to your life by threatening your freedom, affecting your personal relationships, and hurting your job opportunities. If you don’t take your case seriously and do whatever you can to prevent a conviction, you could be looking at serious legal penalties like prison time, probation, and significant fines, among others.

You don’t want to be caught unprepared when the time comes to argue your case. If you represent yourself, you’re much more likely to face a conviction and a harsh sentence. You will need an experienced attorney on your side who understands exactly how to help you. Having someone in your corner who can comprehend the stakes and craft a strong defense makes all the difference in a criminal case. Whether you’re charged with a felony or a misdemeanor, an effective legal defense is crucial.

How a Hawaiian Gardens Defense Lawyer Can Help With Your Criminal Case

Throughout the criminal process, a defense attorney takes many different steps to advocate for you and your rights. Here are some important ways an experienced criminal defense lawyer can help your case:

  • Solid Defense Strategy: When you hire a criminal defense lawyer, you are retaining their knowledge and experience as well as their services. You need someone who can prepare you a solid defense strategy, regardless of the charges against you. If the case goes to trial, your lawyer will do all they can to challenge the prosecution and the evidence they present.
  • Protecting Your Rights: A criminal defense lawyer’s primary job is to ensure the ongoing protection and defense of their clients’ rights. Your innocence or guilt is immaterial. All that matters is ensuring you are given the opportunity to defend yourself and fight the charges being made against you. Your lawyer won’t judge you — they will be present for you during one of the most challenging times of your life.
  • Investigating Your Case: Your attorney should investigate your case to leave no evidence undiscovered. They’ll also work to determine if law enforcement breached your rights during an arrest, search, or questioning, which could help your case.

What to Do After an Arrest

Before you are charged with a crime, you will most likely be arrested. Getting arrested can feel defeating, but it’s important not to lose hope. You are always innocent until proven guilty, regardless of the crime you are alleged to have committed. Whether you are being charged with theft, DUI, or murder, you are afforded certain constitutional rights that cannot be infringed upon. Those rights include the right to counsel and the right to remain silent.

After your arrest, it is vital that you exercise your rights. The police may be counting on a confession to make or break your case. They might not have as much evidence against you as they suggest. Remember that you never have to say anything to the police if you don’t want to. You can request your lawyer and let them speak for you once they arrive.


What Is an Example of a Mistake of Fact Defense?

In Hawaiian Gardens, a mistake of fact defense occurs when the defendant’s actions were based on incorrect information they believed to be correct. If the defendant had been correct, there would have been no crime. This defense negates intent if it can be proven. An example of this would be the defendant stealing a wallet, believing it to be their own wallet.

What Is a Unilateral Mistake of Fact in California?

In California, a unilateral mistake of fact occurs when one party has all the facts and the other party has a completely different set of facts. For this to be the case, one party has to know about the mistake. For example, if somebody were to enter another person’s property believing that they have permission when they, in fact, do not, that would be a unilateral mistake of fact. Under these circumstances, they may not be guilty of a crime.

What Are the Hardest Cases to Defend?

While every criminal case may be difficult to defend, some are harder than others. Generally, cases involving crimes against children are seen as the hardest. Many times, the court reacts emotionally despite strong evidence presented by the defense. The public may have already made up their mind about the case before the trial started. Therefore, it’s especially important to retain a talented defense attorney if you’re facing charges for a crime involving children.

What Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Not Do?

There are many things that a criminal defense attorney is not allowed to do in defense of their client. For instance, anything illegal is prohibited. Above all, a defense attorney is never allowed to knowingly lie to the court or offer any false evidence. If a defense lawyer is caught engaging in unlawful conduct, they may be disbarred, among other penalties.

Contact a Hawaiian Gardens Criminal Defense Lawyer From Gibbons & Gibbons Today

At Gibbons & Gibbons, we can provide a sound defense strategy to protect you and your freedom. Our talented attorneys have been successfully defending clients for many years, so we know how to achieve a favorable result. Contact us to speak to an attorney about your case.

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